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• Characters may momentarily use the liquid in their body to defensively freeze their fur into ice shards. They may do this once per battle, and it will completely protect them from one attack.

• Characters can now walk on water.

• Characters may now stretch and morph liquids/ice upwards to ten times the size of themselves.

• When no liquids are around characters may now pull moisture from the core of the ground and/or condensation in the air to manipulate.


• Characters can now create a devastating tsunami wave (upwards of 20 feet). This attack can be used once per battle, which will also grant the user a double attack roll.

• Characters can now manipulate the liquids inside another living being, forcing the liquids to their lungs to cause the sensation of drowning or temporarily manipulate the blood in the beings body to control them (upwards of a few minutes at a time).

• Characters can now liquefy their body temporarily, this can be used once per battle. It will completely block out one attack.


• Characters will find that they can now manipulate small bodies of water, (upwards of the size of themselves) morphing and shaping it into different shapes.

• Contaminants can be siphoned from water to purify it.


• The water being manipulated can now be frozen into ice. The ice created can be morphed into any shape and sharpness.

• Characters can now breathe under water for a few minutes at a time.

• Characters can use the condensation from their breath to exhale frost, freezing anything it comes into contact with.

• Character will now find that they can manipulate any form of liquid (not just water.)

• Characters can store siphoned contaminants from liquid in their body and they may now create toxic fog/gas with it. All aqua characters are immune to the toxicity. The toxicity causes temporary physical weakness and pain that feels as though the sufferer is freezing to death until the fog/gas disappears.

• Characters may now stretch and morph liquids/ice upwards of to five times the size of themselves.

• Characters can now turn their claws into sharp ice that can cut through anything.

Controllers of Water and Ice.

Aqua characters manipulate strong currents of water and freezing ice.

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