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1.) You must be at least 13 years old to participate in this roleplay.

2.) Arcadia Unleashed in semi literature, posts require at least 200 words to be accepted.

3.) You must maintain some activity in order for your character to survive in game. You must be able to keep up with the storyline. Please don't get upset if your character dies because you're too busy for the roleplay. Our posting requirement is only 1 post per week, unless stated otherwise in a special event.

4.) Concerning time-off and missing posting requirements. If you know that you will miss the posting requirement for any given week, please let an admin know. If you need a hiatus please talk to an admin so that something can be worked out (a hiatus caps at 1 month, any extra needed time is at the discretion of the admin and the circumstances of the hiatus).. At an admins discretion, if you are missing too much time (half or more of the content of the game) you may be removed as a player. If a roleplayer goes "missing" they will be given 2 weeks to return before being removed.

5.) Power-playing / being over-powered will have a three strike policy, on your third strike you will be killed off. This roleplay is meant to be challenging on your character, characters shouldn't be perfect. Power-playing would include controlling another players character that does not belong to you. Being over-powered would classify as completing challenges without any struggle (i.e trying to one-shot a big enemy).

6.) Anyone creating drama or negativity within the community will be removed depending on the severity. If the person in question has done something extremely offensive they will be removed without warning. AU is a safe community.

7.) Being apart of the Discord is mandatory, we do all of our in-game discussion there. You must be able to participate in your team chat on Discord to be able to be in this roleplay. Team work is very essential to win the game. Team chat participation is just as important as roleplay activity.

8.) Warrior Cats terminology is not used in this roleplay (example : moons are called months), however should you want to use the terminology you can.

9.) Once your Spirit Group is picked, it cannot be changed unless an admin allows it (only under extreme circumstances will this be done). You will be able to pick 2 Spirit Groups you do not want.

10.) Characters cannot get pregnant during the game and cannot enter the game pregnant. Due to the nature of characters being hurt and/or killed, we feel it would be innapropriate to have a pregnant character undergo that.

11.) Characters can only kill another character if given permission by the roleplayer. You can do minor attacks to other characters without permission. If you would like to severely injure another character, please discuss that with their roleplayer.

12.) Cursing is allowed in roleplay and in Discord, however be mindful of what you say, i.e anything racist would not be tolerated.

13.) Absolutely no rape and backstories cannot include rape.

14.) We will have activity checks before each round, they will only consist of commenting in the activity check. This is just so we can see who will be entering into the next round and if anyone needs to drop out / can't be active. If you fail to respond and are not on a hiatus your character will be killed off.

15.) We are LGBTQ+ friendly, anyone disrespectful of this will be removed.

16.) You may only enter the game with one character.

17.) Art theft will result in an immediate removal and ban from the roleplay. This includes but is not limited to, stealing a piece of artwork or tracing a piece of artwork (without permission).

18.) Your application must stay transparent in order to be accepted, the quality of it shouldn't change.

19.) You cannot enter with a Season 1 character as a player in Season 2. If your character was apart of Season 1 but did not make it to the end, sadly they are dead (died in the game). Anyone that was in the game and did not make it to the end as far as lore goes, died during the round the roleplayer dropped / was kicked out in. You can however, recycle the name / design for Season 2, they just could not have the history of having gone through the game.

20.) You cannot create characters that were in the game of Season 1 or The Failed Games for your characters backstory if they did not actually exist in those games.


1.) Your character must have drawn, transparent art for their application. The use of linearts is accepted, with the proper credit to the lineart creator. You may also use any commissioned / gifted art, with the proper credit to who made the piece. Art theft will result in an immediate ban from AU.

2.) Characters cannot be a Mary/Gary Sue character and should be well balanced. 

3.) Your character must be a Domestic Cat Breed (No caracal, serval cats). Savannah cats of F4 are allowed (F1, F2, F3) are not.  If you are confused on what is considered a domestic breed, you can check here.

4.) Character fur and eyes must be a natural color to semi-natural color (for example no green fur, no red eyes). Characters can also not have "hair".

5.) Characters name can be anything so long as it's appropriate (no foul / inappropriate language).

6.) Put time and thought into your character, make sure you genuinely like this character and have the motivation for them otherwise you might find yourself with a lack of motivation to get them through the game.

7.) Characters can be no younger than 1 year and no older than 12 years to participate in the game.

8.) Accessories are allowed, however accessories must be semi-realistic (i.e no fullbody armor). If you are unsure if your accessory concept is semi-realistic enough please ask an admin.

9.) Disablities can be roleplayed, however if roleplaying a disability, do your research first. If you are found to represent a disability for popularity, or in an offensive way then your character will be removed.

10.) Characters can be no taller than 17 inches and no shorter than 6 inches (fully grown). There are no weight restrictions, but please stay within the realm of realism (i.e a 40 pound character would be unrealistic in this setting).

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