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The Alliances make up the biggest surviving groups found on Earth. They reside in The Golden City in four distinct areas based on directional borders. While most of The Alliances don't see eye to eye on many beliefs and traditions, they maintain a mutual understanding of borders and land. 

The Alliances, albeit very hesitantly, share the city with outsiders that often reside in the sewers or very hostile areas on the edge of the city. Once a month The Alliances allow outsiders of all areas to come in to the middle of the city for trading and selling.


"Honor and courage, that's who we are. We pay tribute to our past while paving a brighter future for generations to follow. The Gods have left us in ruins and for that justice is required. Loyalty runs thick in our blood, in the North we are in this together."

- Theon


The northern alliance is led by Theon, a four year old dark, long haired tom cat. Theon is proud and confident in the abilities of his Alliance. His alignment is chaotic good. Theon's Alliance is neither entirely good or bad; but rather a group of battle-hardened warriors. Theon believes there is honor in war, and within his ranks those who have lived through many battles are highly esteemed. He thinks there is no need for the Gods- that they would be better off without them. Those who place their faith in them are fools. Not only does he resent and shun the Gods for the Earth’s destruction, but he wants to see justice for it. Above all the Northern Alliance is a tight knit Alliance that has each others backs; true fighters (mostly of good nature) and want nothing more than to see earth thrive again so that their legacies can live on and provide good lives for offspring. They fight for justice and taking on a Northerner is not advised. While they might show great restraint, they are no weakling in battle.

The Northern Alliance has strong hostility towards the Southern Alliance, having a history of bloodshed and war between them. It is custom for Northerners to braid each others fur after winning great battles. They also tend to wear thick gray cloaks lined in fox fur with a golden Northern symbol clasp holding it together at the chest.


"What do we have if not for what still stands? Who will we become if we continue with bloodshed? We are the last of our kind and we should not be wasting time and resources fighting over trivial matters. To survive we all must work together regardless of Alliance. It is naive to think we can survive this alone."

- Gemini


The Western Alliance is led by Gemini, a ten year old chimera female who believes primarily in the powers of nature, the sun and the moon, and balance. Gemini's alignment is true neutral. She is compassionate and patient, and holds value in freedom and individuality. She tries to look at all things, and encourages her followers to seek the best in every situation, as well as in others. She believes that true unity will be what brings about salvation, but fears that the evils of the world are winning. Gemini seeks to remind others that the world is worth fighting for and that where there is darkness there must always be light. Gemini and her followers don't bow to any mortal or God, believing they all play an equal role in the grand scheme of existence.  

Gemini has a strong dislike for the divide in Alliances, having the belief that by not working together they are just dooming the last known life. She hates watching the other Alliances murder each other faster than the population can reproduce. She fears the end of times is coming, not due to Gods but due to the war between the last remaining mortals. Gemini has no hostility towards the other Alliances and has an open border policy with the Eastern Alliance, so long as respect is shown.


"The biggest sacrifice of all is death. Salem laid his life on the line so that we could live, we must honor that and pray for the rise of Thea. The forces that wound our world are too powerful for us to defeat, The Gods are a necessary part of life whether we agree or disagree with their actions."

- Legacy


The east alliance is led by Legacy, a six year old beautiful female who honors the Gods and believes that the mortals owe their undying loyalty to the goddess Thea and the fallen Salem. Legacy has a lawful good alignment. She knows in her heart that even if the Gods have been cruel, not all them are; that without them everyone is as good as dead. She tries to carry on Salem’s legacy, because she knows he was good and trying the best for mortals. She believes that one day Thea will rise again to save them all, to finish what Salem started. Legacy doesn't condone most of the Gods behavior, but she is smart enough to know that the evils in the world are far too strong and beyond what mortals can fend off. They needs the Gods. She hopes that one day through her loyalty to them, that they may reappear and show mercy towards Earth. More common than not, her followers tend to be mortals that want to be apart of fixing Earth with the Gods. Perhaps even hoping one day to acquire the same powers the Flightless and Gods have. 

The Eastern Alliance does not see eye to eye with the Northern Alliance, while there is no concrete tensions, they have polar opposite views. They are in good standing with the Western Alliance and have an open border policy between Alliances, so long as respect is shown. Those in this alliance tend to wear feathers in honor of the Flightless and the Gods.


"You want to see real strength? Come to the South. Maybe we don't sing happy songs around campfires or smile while we pass by you, but we know how to get what we want. Southerners don't fear the other Alliances and we spit on outsiders. Cross us and the South will have the last laugh."

- Seraphine

The Southern Alliance is led by Seraphine, a four year old headstrong and influential she-cat who is best defined by her unbreakable will and careless tongue. Seraphine has a chaotic neutral alignment. She cares little, if any about the Gods and acts as though their existence is irrelevant to her. She has a strong sense of recklessness and that is how she leads her Alliance. Southerners tend to be the start of every problem among the Alliances, with their blatant disrespect for borders and rules. They are extremely hard to reason with and in the past have been known to kill any cat that is causing them problems. One thing within the Southern Alliance is, they may have no respect for other Alliances, but they must have it for Seraphine or they're as good as dead or exile. With her strength and immense freedom she gives her followers, she expects them to do whatever she wants with no question.

The Southern Alliance is extremely hostile with all Alliances, and have a history of war and bloodshed with the Northern Alliance. It is custom in the Alliance to wear fur and bones that belong to strong prey they've killed as a show of strength.

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