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Below is the required written portion of your application, please include it when uploading your application or it will be rejected. The written application will allow us to better know your character, you can include as much detail as you want!

How you do your written application is up to you. You can include the required information in any format you would like as long as it is all there.

Basic Information

Name, Gender, Sexuality, Age, Allegiance (are they in an Alliance or an outsider?)

Personality Traits

Please include three positive traits and three negative traits. You can provide them in list form or paragraph form.

Spirit Group

Please take the questionnaire and include the % of each Spirit Group you received based on your answers (scroll to the bottom of your results page to see the % of each Spirit Group).


Minimum of 300 words about your characters history. You can refer to the F.A.Q for more information on lore specific events during the timeskip to help with your characters history.

Please include a roleplay sample of the character you are trying out with. No less than 200 words.

Please provide us with a sample that is over 200 words, this is so that we can see that you are semi-literate and are able to type for the character you are trying out with.

Why does your character want to help save Earth and join the revolution?

Please explain in no less than 100 words what your characters motivations are in wanting to help save Earth.

Is there a Spirit Group you would absolutely hate to be in (only list ONE)?

You can include one Spirit Group that the Gamemasters will not place you in.

(FOR SEASON 1 PLAYERS ONLY!) What Spirit Group were you in Season 1? Would you like to not be put in it again?

Those in Season 1 have the chance to opt out of the Spirit Group they were in S1, just please let us know if you would like to.

If there is anything else you would like to include to the GM's privately you can DM AU-Staff (AU Staff#6857) on Discord in the S2 server. 

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